Sunday, October 4, 2009

How to get rid of unwanted attachment to free Adobe Photoshop?

Photoshop folks said call on Monday+no tech help for free prod anyway. Could you help? A local business sent requested info. It came up through Adobe Photoshop 3 Starter Edition. 3 separate pages of info I'd requested. At the bottom of the screen was the usual looking Photoshop bar. I clicked the forward arrow expecting the second page to open, but instead there were photos I didn't want. I sent the e-mail back to the business saying unexpected info included; info they might wish to stop sending. Later I scanned a 1 pg doc to attach to my Yahoo! e-mail to send to HS youth leaders. This being 1st time I'd scanned, I sent the e-mail to myself to see if it looked like I wanted. Same kind of pic.s followed my doc! Please suggest way to remove unwanted pics from email and C drive. Save pics to disc+remove PShop. Norton Anti-virus says there's no known virus. Scan stopped counting temporarilly, but cont.d showing scan-d file names! After IE.5 files, counting continued. Thanks for help.

How to get rid of unwanted attachment to free Adobe Photoshop?antivirus

I think i understand your problem. When you open a image from email, it will download it to your windows-temporary-folder and then use a image viewer to open it. When you press the next button in your viewer, it will show the picture from the temporary folder and not from the email attachment.

Now try this. In internet explorer, click Tools --%26gt; internet options. In that you can find a section "Temporary internet files". Press Delete files button to delete all files in temporary folder of your computer. Now you try to open the image from your email. I would recommend you to download all the attachments to desktop before opening them. It would not cause any anxiety!

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