Thursday, October 22, 2009

In Adobe Photoshop Element 5.0 Photo Download software program how do I ...?

... list my Canon G2 camera in the "Get Photos From" window.

It was supposed to list auomatically when the programs downloaded but didn't.

I use a PC with a Windows XP Home Browser.

The Adobe program was downloaded to my computer first And then the Canon G2 software.

Adobe does not give Tech support once the next software model is out.

Alternatively, is there any way to get a photo from my camera

into the Photoshop Element 5.0 Edit area without going through the Download %26 Organizer parts of the program?

I have the Adobe Photoshop 3 Album down loaded also the Picassa 2 album.

In Adobe Photoshop Element 5.0 Photo Download software program how do I ...?norton ghost

Steve's right. Do it that way and avoid that download thing entirely.

In Adobe Photoshop Element 5.0 Photo Download software program how do I ...?software

Some others will probably give you a better answer as I use an Apple and full Photoshop. However, you should not have to download directly from the camera into Elements. Just download from the camera, or preferably from a card reader, to wherever you want to put the files.

Then in Elements go to File - Open and select the file where you stored the photos. You can then open any photo you want.


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