I was just given a Toshiba tablet PC for Christmas and I absolutely love it. I know that the pen is pressure-sensitive because in the tablet's note-taking programs the pen responds to my pressure.
However, when I tried to set Adobe Photoshop CS2's brush to pen-pressure sensitive, it displayed an error message stating that "for this to work, you must have a pen-pressure sensitive tablet." I don't know how to fix this. Can anyone help me?
How do I make Photoshop CS2 recognize my tablet pc?panda
It sounds like Adobe Photoshop isn't compatible/communicating properly with the driver for your pressure sensitive pen. Could you tell me which tablet PC you have? Exact Manufacturer and model?
For example: Dell Optiplex Gn+.
Unfortunately I need more information before I can properly answer your question. Feel free to contact me using IM (see profile) if you need an instant response.
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