Hello, I just bought a new macbook pro and I must say, it is the best laptop I have ever bought. I bought a few years ago Photoshop CS2 for Windows, but I do not have the money to purchase photoshop for my mac. I heard that the beta release that was released a while ago allowed mac users to input their CS2 activation code in order to run cs3. I couldn't find the beta release of photoshop, so I am asking you guys to help me find it. Does anybody know where I can download the BETA RELASE of Photoshop CS3 for mac?
PS. Adobe.com does not have the download anymore.
Does anybody know where I can download a mac version of Adobe Photoshop CS3 Beta?ducati
Does anybody know where I can download a mac version of Adobe Photoshop CS3 Beta?hp
create an account - download a trial vsrion
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