What is the CHEAPEST price for photoshop CS, not CS2. and where can i get it at its cheapest? first to give me a GOOD answer gets 10 pts!
Cheapest Price for Adobe Photoshop CS?photoshop
If you're a student, you can purchase the latest version of Photoshop for $299 from the Adobe Education Store.
If you're not a student, the cheapest you'll be able to find a legitimate copy of Photoshop CS is around $400. Below are a three sites you can try:
1. http://buybargaindeals.com/viewdetails.p...
2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ORIGINAL-ADOBE-PHOTO...
3. http://caritasproducts.stores.yahoo.net/...
Cheapest Price for Adobe Photoshop CS?symatec
well i use the GIMP.its just like adobe photoshop cs. If I were your id try the gimp put first. Plus, the gimp is open source
Try downloadmanager.com where there are many freebies to choose from. I saw it the other day I just don't remember exactly where.
bittorrent try torrentspy or isohunt
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