Monday, June 21, 2010

Question about Adobe Photoshop picture inserting?

so I have two files open in Photoshop CS2. I crop a picture and try to paste it onto the other one, but when I do, it places itself on the picture. How can I do to place it wherever I want to?

Question about Adobe Photoshop picture inserting?free spyware remover

You should first select a part of the picture you want to paste into with the marquee selection tool in either shape or freehand. That way the picture you are pasting with will only insert into the selected area and not just over the whole picture. It's easy enough once you've practised it a few times. You may have to re-size the picture file you are pasting with to better fit into the picture you are pasting into. Got that? Good luck!

PS, if you paste into the photo the pasted bit should remain floating until you click off the photo or merge layers in the menu. Perhaps you need some additional tutoring in Photoshop. See if you can gain access to a manual in a local public library.

Question about Adobe Photoshop picture inserting?ktm

Create a layer (by going to layer window and adding one) and then paste the cropped image in that layer.

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