Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm using Photoshop and want to layer two images together...?

I've got an image of a rainbow and one of a house. I want to set it up so the rainbow is behind the house. How is EXACT detail do I layer the two photos together on Adobe Photoshop CS2? Cheers!

I'm using Photoshop and want to layer two images together...?viruses

use the magnetic lasso tool to cut out the image of the house. right click the house, click layer via copy, creating another layer. make the rainbow another layer, and on your layer toolbar make sure the house goes about the rainbow so it's in front. hope that didn't sound confusing.. i wish it was easier for me to help you.

I'm using Photoshop and want to layer two images together...?antispam

I don't remember... I stop using Adobe Photoshop when I found GIMP.... Save me about $600.00 because GIMP is free.

You have to merge the layers. If I can remember correctly it's somewhere under one of the options.
ok first thing first make a copy of layer of the house (im thinking you know how to do this) and then make a new layer (nothing goes on this layer at the min)

next open up the image of the rainbow copy it using the polyganol lasso tool NOT the magnetic lasso tool, to do this you simply follow the outside edges of the rainbow. dont leave any gaps as it wont select it.

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